For whom is it necessary or useful?
The consultation is aimed at people with symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness or fainting spells. People with a family history or risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity or smoking are also welcome to have their heart health checked as a precautionary measure. We also welcome anyone who attaches great importance to their health and would like to take preventative measures at an early stage.
Practical aspects
- Medical history:
At the beginning, a detailed medical history is taken. The cardiologist will ask about symptoms, their duration and nature, previous illnesses, medication and family risk factors. Your lifestyle (diet, exercise, stress, alcohol consumption) will also be discussed. Please bring any relevant previous findings and examination results with you. - Physical examination:
The physical examination is an integral part of every cardiological consultation. This involves listening to the pulse, blood pressure and heart in order to recognise possible heart valve problems or other abnormalities. - Diagnostic equipment:
Various tests can be carried out as required, e.g. - ECG (Electrocardiogram): Measures the electrical activity of the heart.
- Stress-ECG: Examines the reaction of the heart under physical effort
- Echocardiography (Ultrasound of the heart): Shows the function of the heart chambers and valves.
- Langzeit-EKG oder Langzeit-Blutdruckmessung: Überwacht Herzrhythmus oder Blutdruck über 24 Stunden.
- Schellong-Test: Relevant for dizziness or fainting spells (syncope).
- Pacemaker check: Important for patients with pacemakers or defibrillators.
- Blood test: Check cholesterol, blood sugar and inflammation markers.
- Diagnosis and treatment recommendation:
Based on the results, the cardiologist makes a diagnosis and gives individual therapy recommendations, from lifestyle changes to invasive interventions. -
Aftercare and prevention:
Prevention is of great importance. You will receive advice on a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups are recommended to monitor chronic heart problems.